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At Little Wrens Forest School, we’re proud to offer a unique educational experience designed to enhance intellectual growth and promote participatory engagement. Take a look through our site to learn more about us.





What is Forest School?


It is an opportunity for children and young people to enjoy and connect with nature. To dig, discover, bug-hunt, cook, climb, play with sticks, use tools, make mud pies, play with peers and develop their own interests.

Forest School is a long-term process where children have time to immerse themselves in an environment that becomes familiar to them. It's an opportunity for participants to develop an appreciation and respect for their environment.


What do children get out of coming to Forest School?


  • Managed Risk-taking in a safe and supportive environment boosts confidence and self-esteem.

  • An understanding and appreciation of the natural world to develop future environmental respect 

  • Skill development - fine motor skills in creative activities and gross motor skills with whole body movement

  • Improved social skills, working and playing with friends, working and learning together

  • Self-directed learning and time for deep engagement in play.

  • ​

What happens at Forest School?

On arrival we sit together and start our session by looking at our values, discussing boundaries and rules and finding out how we are all feeling.

We discuss how we can work and play while keeping hold of our important values.  We talk about what we would like to do and look at what is available to us all to explore. Our planning for the children is determined by their interests.

Children are free in their decision making and have opportunities to risk assess for themselves.  They will always know they can come to the adults in the session for support. However, children know best how they wish to play and explore. The adults are there as facilitators, not to interfere.

At Forest School we give the children freedom to truly engage with their own ideas and we aim wait until we are invited to join them! 

We always end our sessions by getting together in our circle... Sometimes the fire may be lit. We reflect on the session and these reflections determine our following session and we plan to embrace and pursue the children's interests.









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