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COVID 19 precautions


Little Wrens Forest School has gathered advice from the Government, Forest School Association, DfE and Cambridgeshire County Council's Covid 19 guidance to keep everyone safe at our sessions. There is strong evidence that being outdoors keeps immunity strong and supports physical and mental health.



In line with guidelines, please only attend our sessions if you well. If you have symptoms of COVID 19, such as, but not exclusively, a high temperature, a persistent continuous dry cough, loss of taste and smell, or if you are in any doubt that your child may be unwell, please keep your child at home. If anyone in your household displays any of the main symptoms, all members of the household will need to self-isolate for 14 days.


The Forest School Association (FSA) believes that, due to the nature of Forest School sessions and facilitating the play needs of children and young people, the most appropriate precaution which can be taken is to create and maintain leaner 'bubbles'. This means that resources and space can be shared within that 'bubble' without the risk of significant risk.

Children at our sessions will be encouraged to follow the social distancing rules, however it is recognised that Primary and Early years children cannot be expected to remain 2m away from each other and staff. 


The importance of hygiene and regular hand washing will be discussed at the start and throughout the session. Please make sure that your child washes their hands before leaving home and also when they return home from the session. We will ask the children to wash their hands before the session starts and at the end before they go home. We will set up a 'hands free' hand wash system and this will be supervised by staff to make sure that children wash their hands after going to the toilet , before eating and before using tools or ropes. 

Surfaces and equipment will be cleaned and wiped throughout the session. Disposable paper towels will be used to dry hands and a paper bin provided to dispose of them. This will be disposed of safely after each session.


PPE equipment will be used if your child requires first aid- this includes disposable gloves, face visor, face mask and apron. These will be safely disposed of after use.


Anyone booking on our sessions must agree for their contact details to be held for 21 days and, if requested, we will pass these on to the Track and Trace service


If a child displays signs of illness during a session, we will immediately contact you. If their symptoms are typical of COVID 19, the child will be taken away to a quiet area with a member of staff until you arrive to pick them up.


Cancellation due to COVID

If the Government announce a further period of lockdown, or to prevent the spread of COVID 19 and protect our children and staff, we may need to postpone sessions. We do not refund if we have to cancel due to circumstances out of our control like adverse weather conditions or a pandemic, however we will offer you a transfer. We will aim to add replacement sessions as soon as it is safe to do so following Government guidelines and advice

Whilst it is appreciated that 48 hours’ notice cannot always be given if your family needs to self-isolate due to coronavirus, payment will still be required for the session. Whilst this is a difficult time for all, as a business, booked numbers are required to pay for their sessions to make the sessions financially viable.


Please see our COVID 19 risk assessment

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